My Purchase Lists


My Purchase list lets you view or create purchase lists. You will be able to add products to purchase lists from the product pages or product listings by selecting 'Add to purchase list?'.  




The My Purchase lists shows all the lists already created. You can select Details on the desired list row to learn more about that list or edit the details of the list, you can also select the file icon to duplicate the list, or the pen icon to edit the list.  

If you select Create a purchase List a field will appear under the label Create a purchase List where you can write the name of your new purchase list, then click on Create Purchase List on the right. The same thing will happen if you select Merge Purchase list, choose a name for the new list then select two purchase lists in the list results that you wish to merge, then click on the Merge Purchase Lists that will appear on the right.  

If you select Details, you will be directed to the page below:  








To access your purchase lists page, select My Purchase lists in My Account page.  



Here you will see the products in that list if there are any, you will be able to change the purchase list name by clicking on Change Purchase List name. The newly created Purchase List will create a new cart containing all the products from this purchase following the planning inscribed in the following fields. However, you will then have to go on the online store to confirm your order.   

If you select Schedule recurring shopping cart creation for this purchase list, the options below will appear:  




Write a start date for the recurring shopping cart creation in the Planification Starting Date field, or choose a date in a calendar by clicking on the calendar icon. Write a name for that future shopping cart, write in the number of days between the recurring creation of a shopping cart for this list, and the number of times shopping carts will be created in this list, then select Save

If you select Quick Purchase List Modification or the pencil icon in the “My Purchase Lists” page, you will be directed to the Purchase List Express page.  




This page lets you add products to a purchase list in a table in the same way as the Order Express page. 

On this page, you can modify various different data on the list at the same time, as well as Copy/Past an already created list, like an Excel table, onto the Purchase List Express table, or Import a Product List, like an Excel table, onto it. To remove an order line, select the line then press Delete on your keyboard or on the del icon on the page.